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Where I Work

What I Teach

Things I Love

Hello and Welcome!

I’m Katie, a freelance photographer and photography teacher based in Winston-Salem, NC.

I’m a portrait, product, and commercial photographer specializing in working with small business and individuals looking for a partner to help them get to the next level.

As a teacher, I’m here to coach and cheer you on as you learn new skills, hone your craft, and reach your goals.

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy my work and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to book a session, class, or consultation with me.


Where I Work

Winston Salem Photography Studio - Katie Dickson Photography

Photography - Sawtooth School for Visual Art

What I Teach

Things I Love

Things I Love

Where I Work

What I Teach

Things I Love

Contact Me: Email. Instagram. Patreon.